Independent Analogue and Digital Arts since 1985 

  Don't use the simplified view prompt

“It’s not speaking or writing well that’s shameful; what’s really shameful is to engage in either of them shamefully or badly”

Children lie... sometimes to their parents.The ant/algorithm overlap around scripts is not incidental. Ants’ pheromonal trails are often taken as biomimetic inspiration for algorithms, as in the case of the Ant Colony Optimization algorithm. The Ant Colony Optimization algorithm is modeled after the tendency of ants to identify and mark with pheromones the shortest path between food and their colony.  Ants coordinate their activities via stigmergy, a form of indirect communication mediated by modifications of the environment…

The cicadas, who are singing and carrying on conversations with one another in the heat of the day above our heads, are also watching us. And if they saw the two of us avoiding conversation at midday like most people, diverted by their song and, sluggish of mind, nodding off, they would have every right to laugh at us, convinced that a pair of slaves [sic] had come to their resting place to sleep like sheep gathering around the spring in the afternoon. But if they see us in conversation, steadfastly navigating around them as if they were the Sirens, they will be very pleased and immediately give us the gift from the gods they are able to give to mortals. Plato.

It is said of these states of consciousness that in the dreaming state, where one is sleeping, the shining Self, who never  dreams, who is ever awake, watches by his own light the dreams woven out of past deeds and present desires. In the dream state, when one is sleeping, the shining Self keeps the body alive with the vital force of prana, and wanders wherever he wills.

First they came for the Freerhinking, and I did not speak out— Because I was this free thinking.Then they came for the Traders, and I did not speak out—  Because I was a very small free trader.They came for me 2014 and there was no witness left to speak for me.


*                The presence of the past.                *

The Everyone who loves the Arts should heard of this. The story goes that the cicadas used to be human beings who lived before the birth of the Muses. When the Muses were born and song was created for the first time, some of the people of that time were so overwhelmed with the pleasure of singing that they forgot to eat or drink; so they died without even realizing it.

Existentialism and the Call to Freedom.If I do not reveal my views on justice in words, I do so by my conduct. Jean-Paul Sartre (1905–80) exemplifies this response when he remarks that the only theory of knowledge that can be valid today is one which is founded on that truth of microphysics: the experimenter is part of the experimental system. Analogously, one can object that the very act of intervening in the life of a ‘primitive’ tribe prevents the ethnologist from studying that people in their pristine condition. Such considerations served to undermine the positivists’ concept of knowledge as measurability.

But they also clouded the rationalists view of reality as exhaustively available to a logic of either/or with no middle ground. To cite another example, light manifests qualities that indicate it is a wave and others that show it to be a particle. Yet these two characteristics seem to exclude each other, leaving the question ‘Is light a wave or aparticle? unanswerable with a standard logic of either/or.

Looking back on my research process, i can conclude the beauty of the moment.


I love freedom no matter the cost, now I had nowhere to turn now too.

Five themes of existentialism and there are five basic themes that the existentialist appropriates each in his or her own way. Rather than constituting a strict definition of ‘existentialist’, they depict more of a family resemblance (a criss-crossing and overlapping of the themes) among these philosophers.

1. Existence precedes essence. What you are (your essence) is the result of your choices (your existence) rather than the reverse. Essence is not destiny. You are what you make
yourself to be.

2. Time is of the essence. We are fundamentally time-bound beings. Unlike measurable, ‘clock’ time, lived time is qualitative: the ‘not yet’, the ‘already’, and the ‘present’ differ among themselves in meaning and value.

3. Humanism. Existentialism is a person-centred philosophy. Though not anti-science, its focus is on the human individual’s pursuit of identity and meaning amidst the
social and economic pressures of mass society for superficiality and conformism.

4. Freedom/responsibility. Existentialism is a philosophy of freedom. Its basis is the fact that we can stand back from our lives and reflect on what we have been doing. In this sense, we are always ‘more’ than ourselves.

5. Ethical considerations are paramount. Though each existentialist understands the ethical, as with ‘freedom’, in his or her own way, the underlying concern is to invite us to examine the authenticity of our personal lives and of our society.

The existentialists are not irrationalists in the sense that they deny the validity of logical argument and scientific reasoning. They simply question the ability of such reasoning to access the deep personal convictions that guide our lives.


Today when only the herd animal is honored, the concept of greatness entails being noble, wanting to be oneself, being capable of being different, standing alone and having to live independently and the philosopher will betray something of his own ideal when he posits: He shall be the greatest who can be the loneliest, the most
hidden, the most deviating, the human being beyond good and evil.


It was the war which shattered the worn structures of our thought-War, Occupation, Resistance, the years which followed. We wanted to fight at the side of the working class; we finally understood that the concrete is history and dialectical action. We had repudiated pluralist realism only to have found it again among the fascists, and we discovered the world for a milliseconds.

Man externalises himself, he loses himself in things; but every alienation is surmounted by the absolute Knowledge of the philosopher. Thus those cleavages, those contradictions which cause our unhappiness are moments which are posited in order that they may be surpassed. We are not only knowers; in the triumph of intellectual self-consciousness, we appear as the known. Knowledge pierces us through and through; it situates us before dissolving us. We are integrated alive in the supreme totalisation.

Note: The Internet does not belong to Google

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